
Fake Cartier Watch Serial Number

Cartier watches are all professionally engraved with a serial number on the side.

Fake cartier watch serial number. The eight digit number with letters is the serial number. Check the side of the face of the watch for an engraved serial number. A piece of cartier jewelry should bring immediate joy not doubt. Its common to see fake watches have no serial number or only a case back sticker.

How to spot a fake cartier love bracelet tip 4. You should also see the case material and metal hallmarks though sometimes these will not be listed. Look for two series of numbers on the back of the watch case. Most cartier watches use a substance called luminova to provide the glow on the dial and hands that allows you to read the time in darkness.

If the engraving looks poorly done you probably have a fake. The french brand made its name by creating jewelry and timepieces for royalty and societys elite. Shallow etching is a red flag that could signify counterfeiting. This is the model number.

Most of the fakes are made with poor quality luminous material which makes the glow less bright than the authentics. Whats more you can double check that the serial number on the paperwork corresponds to the serial number stamped on the inside of the bracelet. Check the side of the face of the watch for an engraved serial number. What hallmarks and details does cartier use for tank watches and what do counterfeits often get wrong.

Look for a gemstone. Use a flashlight on the watch for about 30 seconds to charge it. How to spot fake cartier watches cartier remains one of the most valuable brands in the world. Important to note is that the cartier signature and font may vary depending on year of manufacture according to hickox.

170 years since it was founded. Look up the model number in a reference book of cartier watches available at your local library a bookstore or online. On an authentic cartier the sn will be etched on to the back cover. Shop the cartier santos 100 watch the unconventional square shaped dial of the cartier santos holds many details that can aid the identification of counterfeits.

Find the four digit number on the back of the watch case. The serial number of a cartier watch is usually engravedetched on the case back. A genuine cartier tank watch should include the cartier logo and a serial number consisting of two letters and a numeric code. A serial number should be deeply engraved onto the back or side.

Look for a gemstone. Cartier watches are all professionally engraved with a serial number on the side. If anything seems off then it is better to walk away. Here are a few other methods to determine if your piece is counterfeit.

The absolute best way to confirm your cartier watchs authenticity is to have a skilled watchmaker cartier boutique or contact cartier and they may be able to help you. Both numbers are used to identify the cartier model.

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